Saturday, 20 February 2016

Generasi Y kurang melabur ?

Apakah benar tahap kesedaran melabur dalam Generasi Y di Malaysia disifatkan sangat rendah mencerminkan kegagalan golongan muda mengurus dan merancang kewangan.Adakah generasi Y berdepan dengan kesukaran untuk melabur atau kesedaran pengurusan kewangan mereka amat rendah ataupun disebabkan pendapatan yang diterima masih pada kadar asas .
Generasi Y terdiri daripada individu yang berusia di antara 20 hingga 30 tahun dan kebanyakan mereka baharu menceburi alam pekerjaan.Adakah genari Y tahu diaman perlu melabur,Tahukah mereka boleh melabur dalam Skim Persaraan Swasta (PRS) -Percuma RM500 bagi yang pertama melabur Unit Amanah.Tahukah mereka pelaburan-pelaburan Emas,hartanah,palaburan bursa saham utama,pelaburan pernigaan online,perlindungan takaful dan lain-lain.
  Oleh kerana Generasi Y kini dalam" comfort Zon"e -dalam keadaan selamat dan masih mendapat bantuan kewangan dari ibubapa serta berpendapat simpanan seperti skim persaraan,hartanah dan lain-lain pelaburan bukan satu keperluan.Generasi Y sekarang lebih cenderung memiliki kenderaan,barangan mewah dan gajet canggih berbanding menanbung keranan merasakan perkara itu adalah pilihan terakhir dan tidak begitu penting dalam usia mereka.
Tanggungj awap masyarakat atau agensi-agensi kerajaan perlu menerap pengurusan kewangan di peringkat awal untuk generasi Y dan perlu dididik dari sekolah-sekolah dan hingga ke menara gading.
Adalah membimbangkan jika Generasi Y hanyut dalam kemewahan gajet canggih,kereta mewah serta gaya hidup mewah sedangkan perangcangan kehidupan selepas persaraan tidak dimulakan sebaik sahaja mula mendapat tawaran kerja dan memilik gaji pertama.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

New EPF rules… good for retirement, bad for unit trust industry

Malaysia's largest pension fund has decided to raise the minimum savings for its contributors to ensure they have more money in their twilight years, but this indirectly cuts investments into the country's vibrant unit trust industry.
The new rules by the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) to cut investments in unit trusts comes at a time when rising costs have shown contributors' savings are not enough to cover retirement after turning 55, five years below Putrajaya's new retirement age of 60.
“The EPF will revise upwards the basic savings quantum of its members to RM196,800 by the age of 55 effective January 2014, to ensure enough savings to finance members' retirement needs,” EPF general manager, Nik Affendi Jaafar told The Malaysian Insider in Kuala Lumpur over the weekend.He revealed that under the old scheme, which was launched in 2008, members' targeted savings of RM120,000 at the age of 55 was not sufficient for them to maintain their lifestyle during retirement.
But the new amount will be equal to RM820 a month for 20 years from age 55 to 75.
The new rates are said to be benchmarked against the minimum pension for public sector employees, which is currently at RM820 a month, so that the monthly retirement income does not fall below the poverty level.
Following the revision, members need to have more in their Account 1 to be eligible for the EPF Members Investment Scheme, under which savings are invested in unit trusts. Currently members can use 20% of their balance in Account 1 to invest in approved unit trust schemes.
To illustrate the change, if a member is 40 years or older and has basic savings of RM80,000 in Account 1 at present (2013), his excess will be RM36,000 (derived from RM80,000 - RM44,000). He can then use only RM7,200 (20% of RM36,000) to invest in any approved unit trust. To further protect EPF contributors, withdrawals for unit trust investments are only permitted once every 3 months.
With the new EPF rules in 2014, at RM80,000, the excess will only be RM11,000 (RM80,000 - RM69,000). One can then only use RM2,200 (20% of RM11,000) to invest in any approved unit trust.
An official from the Federation of Investment Managers (FIMM) who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that the unit trust industry would be severely affected by the new ruling.
The RM326 billion unit trust industry comprises some 50,000 consultants who earn commissions ranging from 1% to 3% from unit trust investments.
The new ruling would also result in many EPF members, who were previously eligible to invest in unit trusts, no longer being qualified.
One of the leading Unit Trust Management Companies, Public Mutual (a subsidiary of Public Bank), derived one-third of its non-interest income from its unit trust operation. In 2012, less than 10% of its net profit was from its unit trust business. - September 9, 2013.
- See more at:

Saturday, 16 August 2014

KDNK suku kedua 2014 catat 6.4 peratus

KUALA LUMPUR 15 Ogos - Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) pada suku kedua 2014 mencatat pertumbuhan 6.4 peratus berbanding 6.2 peratus pada suku pertama tahun ini.
Pencapaian suku kedua itu dijangka mampu melepasi sasaran 5.5 peratus tahun ini setelah KDNK separuh pertama mengukuh kepada 6.3 peratus berbanding separuh pertama 2013 sebanyak 4.4 peratus.
Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Tan Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz berkata, prestasi positif itu didorong oleh peningkatan eksport yang baik dan permintaan kukuh pada peringkat domestik terutama oleh sektor swasta.
Beliau berkata, aktiviti daripada sektor swasta dijangka terus menjadi pemacu bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mendapat manfaat daripada pemulihan ekonomi di peringkat global terutama Amerika Syarikat (AS), Jepun dan negara-negara rantau Asia.
"Berdasarkan asas suku tahunan terlaras secara bermusim, ekonomi negara meningkat sebanyak 1.8 peratus berbanding peningkatan suku pertama 2014 sebanyak 0.8 peratus," katanya pada sidang akhbar Perkembangan Ekonomi dan Kewangan di Malaysia pada suku kedua 2014 di sini hari ini.
KDNK pada harga semasa berjumlah RM262.8 bilion pada suku pertama dengan peningkatan sebanyak RM25.3 bilion berbanding suku kedua 2013. Pada harga malar 2005, KDNK mencatatkan nilai RM205.6 bilion.
Jelas Zeti, pelaburan swasta mencatat pertumbuhan dua angka sebanyak 12.1 peratus melibatkan pelaburan dalam sektor perkhidmatan dan perkilangan manakala penggunaan swasta meningkat 6.5 peratus disokong oleh guna tenaga yang stabil dan kenaikan upah yang berterusan.
Namun, katanya, perbelanjaan sektor awam merosot sebanyak 1.3 peratus mencerminkan perbelanjaan kerajaan yang lebih rendah untuk emolumen serta bekalan dan perkhidmatan manakala pelaburan awam pula juga merosot sebanyak 3.3 peratus disebabkan oleh perbelanjaan yang lebih rendah untuk aset tetap oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan dan perusahaan awam.
Beliau berkata, lebihan dagangan mencatat RM18.4 bilion pada suku kedua tahun ini manakala eksport kasar meningkat kepada 14.2 peratus. Dalam masa sama, import kasar juga meningkat pada kadar 8.6 peratus.
"Bagi ekonomi Malaysia, pertumbuhan eksport dijangka menjadi perlahan sedikit pada separuh kedua 2014, sebahagiannya mencerminkan kesan asas yang nyata dalam tempoh sama pada 2013," ujar beliau.
Menurutnya, berdasarkan perubahan tahunan dalam Indeks Harga Pengguna (IHP), kadar inflasi pada suku kedua mencatat penurunan 0,1 peratus berbanding suku pertama iaitu 3.4 peratus disebabkan oleh inflasi yang lebih rendah dalam kategori makanan dan minuman bukan alkohol serta kategori perumahan, air, elektrik, gas dan bahan api.
"Bagaimanapun, dijangkakan kadar inflasi meningkat sedikit tahun depan ekoran pelaksanaan cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST) sebanyak enam peratus mulai 1 April. Tetapi, kadar ini akan kembali kekal stabil ke angka purata jangka panjang tiga peratus pada 2016," jelas beliau.

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) Youth Incentive

Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) Youth Incentive

Recognising the need to cultivate a retirement savings culture amongst the younger demographics, the Government has announced that it will make a RM500 one-off contribution under the Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) Youth Incentive. This incentive aims to provide a head start for Malaysian youths between the ages of 20-30 years. It is effective 1 January 2014, for a period of five years from 2014 to 2018.


  • Malaysian.
  • Aged between 20 and 30, have not reached the age of 31 within any calendar year between 2014 and 2018.
  • Existing Private Pension Administrator (PPA) account holders or new members.

The Incentive

  • Member will be given a RM500 one-off contribution when he/she made gross contribution of RM1,000.
  • The criteria for the incentive:
    • The gross contribution of RM1,000 must be made by a Malaysian youth:-
      • aged between 20 and 30, have not reached the age of 31.
      • within one calendar year.
      • within the period of 2014 to 2018.
      • in a single PRS fund of a Provider.
  • Contributions can be made on a lump sum or staggered basis within the calendar year.
  • The incentive will be reinvested into the fund.
  • For contributions with more than one PRS fund, the incentive will be given to the fund that first reaches the gross contribution of RM1,000.
  • If contributions were made on the same date, the incentive will be equally divided among the funds.

Note: Employers’ contributions are excluded from the incentive programme.

How Would The Incentive Be Given?

  • Member will receive the RM500 in the form of units of the PRS fund(s) that the member has contributed the RM1,000.
  • The number of units is calculated based on the NAV per unit of the PRS fund(s) at the valuation point.
  • The Government’s RM500 one-off contribution will not be subject to PPA’s annual fee and Provider’s sales charge.
  • The RM500 is a ONE-OFF incentive, as such members will only receive it ONCE and not once every year.
  • The incentive is not eligible for tax relief.

PRS Funds Available For The Incentive

  • Public Mutual provides 6 PRS funds which are categorized under Conventional Series and Shariah-based Series.
Conventional Series
Shariah-based Series
Age Group*
(under default option)
Public Mutual PRS Growth Fund 
Public Mutual PRS Islamic Growth Fund (PRS-IGRF)
Age below 40
Public Mutual PRS Moderate Fund (PRS-MDF)
Public Mutual PRS Islamic Moderate Fund (PRS-IMDF)
Age 40 to below 50
Public Mutual PRS Conservative Fund (PRS-CVF)
Public Mutual PRS Islamic Conservative Fund (PRS-ICVF)Age 50 and above

*You are eligible to make full withdrawal upon reaching the age of 55. Securities Commission Malaysia may specify any other age from time to time.
Please refer to the Disclosure Document and the relevant fund’s Product Highlights Sheet for more details of the PRS funds.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Private Retirement Scheme (PRS)

What is PRS?

The Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) is a voluntary long-term contribution scheme designed to help individuals accumulate savings^ for retirement. At Public Mutual, we provide a wide range of PRS funds that you may choose to contribute to based on your contributon time horizon, risk appetite and age.
The scheme is open to all individuals aged 18 and above, including foreigners, be it employed or self-employed as a supplement to their retirement savings.

^ Funds under PRS are neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected funds. 

What are the benefits of contributing to PRS?

Professional Management
  • The funds under PRS will be professionally managed with the purpose of meeting the retirement objective of members. 
  • Contributions are not bound by any fixed amount or fixed periods.
  • Individuals can contribute according to their age and risk tolerance.
  • Contributors will have the option to switch funds (subject to terms and conditions) or contribute to more than one fund under PRS.
Tax Incentives

  • Members who made contribution to the PRS funds are allowed to claim for a tax relief of up to RM3,000 per annum for the first 10 years from assessment year 2012 (together with any deferred annuity payment).
  • Income distributed from the PRS funds to members will be exempted from Malaysian income tax.
  • Employers who made contribution to the PRS on behalf of their employees are allowed to claim tax deduction against their business income on the contribution made up to 19% of the employee’s remuneration (together with contribution made to any other approved scheme).

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Jadual simpanan asas TERBARU pengeluaran kwsp untuk Unit Trust .

Para pelabur yang budiman,untuk pengetahuan bermula pada Januari 2014 jadual asas mengikut umur bagi layak untuk melabur dalam unit trust telah dinaikan oleh pihak KWSP.Oleh itu sila semak penyata KWSP anda mengikut jadual baru disebelah kanan (terbaru) berbanding sebelah kiri (lama) bagi melihat anda layak atau tidak untuk membuat pelaburan baru atau pelaburan tambahan.Harap maklum.