Monday, 9 December 2013

Private Retirement Scheme (PRS)

What is PRS?

The Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) is a voluntary long-term contribution scheme designed to help individuals accumulate savings^ for retirement. At Public Mutual, we provide a wide range of PRS funds that you may choose to contribute to based on your contributon time horizon, risk appetite and age.
The scheme is open to all individuals aged 18 and above, including foreigners, be it employed or self-employed as a supplement to their retirement savings.

^ Funds under PRS are neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected funds. 

What are the benefits of contributing to PRS?

Professional Management
  • The funds under PRS will be professionally managed with the purpose of meeting the retirement objective of members. 
  • Contributions are not bound by any fixed amount or fixed periods.
  • Individuals can contribute according to their age and risk tolerance.
  • Contributors will have the option to switch funds (subject to terms and conditions) or contribute to more than one fund under PRS.
Tax Incentives

  • Members who made contribution to the PRS funds are allowed to claim for a tax relief of up to RM3,000 per annum for the first 10 years from assessment year 2012 (together with any deferred annuity payment).
  • Income distributed from the PRS funds to members will be exempted from Malaysian income tax.
  • Employers who made contribution to the PRS on behalf of their employees are allowed to claim tax deduction against their business income on the contribution made up to 19% of the employee’s remuneration (together with contribution made to any other approved scheme).

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Jadual simpanan asas TERBARU pengeluaran kwsp untuk Unit Trust .

Para pelabur yang budiman,untuk pengetahuan bermula pada Januari 2014 jadual asas mengikut umur bagi layak untuk melabur dalam unit trust telah dinaikan oleh pihak KWSP.Oleh itu sila semak penyata KWSP anda mengikut jadual baru disebelah kanan (terbaru) berbanding sebelah kiri (lama) bagi melihat anda layak atau tidak untuk membuat pelaburan baru atau pelaburan tambahan.Harap maklum.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Great discounts! Bursar Malaysia - market correction

Dear valued clients, 
Perhaps you are aware that the local market is undergoing some corrections these days. Pls don't be alarmed! The better market like HK is more volatile than Bursar Malaysia and yet more invest there. Volatility is part of the excitement and can be the best attraction to some investors. 

The recent Fitch downgraded Malaysia's credit rating and weakening of RM have caused many foreign investors to sell their stocks. That is summarized in the picture attached. Good news is that our local institutions are more liquid now to buy and sustain the market. So don't get panic - INVEST MORE to capitalize the cheaper unit prices and stick to your long term goals!

Best regards,

Amin Yahya
Public Mutual Bhd - Group Agency Manager
Networth Consultants - Founder

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Bursa diramal meningkat minggu depan – BSKL – KLCI

KUALA LUMPUR – Bursa Malaysia berkemungkinan meningkat minggu depan manakala FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) dijangka menyaksikan lantunan kecil.
Naib Presiden/Ketua Penyelidikan Runcit Affin Investment Bank, Dr Nazri Khan, berkata indeks utama itu mungkin menguji semula paras 1,790-1,800 mata berikutan petunjuk-petunjuk positif dari Amerika Syarikat dan berita bahawa semakin banyak bank pusat akan melaksanakan dasar monetari yang akomodatif.
“Di dalam negara, kami menjangka sentimen pulih semula memandangkan kini dasar-dasar terus teguh berikutan kemenangan parti pemerintah dalam pilihan raya dan kami yakin kerajaan akan meneruskan agenda reformasi untuk mencergaskan ekonomi dengan barisan Kabinet yang baharu,” katanya kepada Bernama.
Beliau berkata pelabur-pelabur menganggap komposisi barisan Kabinet ini sebagai mesra perniagaan dan mewakili sektor-sektor ekonomi.
“Ia adalah padanan yang baik antara orang yang sesuai dengan tugas yang sesuai, yang boleh membuat keputusan yang baik untuk memastikan pertumbuhan dari suku ke suku dalam beberapa tahun akan datang.
“Kami menjangkakan lebih banyak pelabur runcit kembali ke pasaran, dana terus mengalir masuk,  pelabur semakin yakin dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terus teguh untuk mendorong peningkatan Bursa dalam bulan-bulan akan datang,” kata beliau.
Dalam minggu ini, indeks pengukur pasaran itu mencecah 1,788.43 mata pada Selasa tetapi harga saham turun selepas itu berikutan kegiatan menjual.
“Dari segi teknikalnya, kami menganggap kejatuhan FBMKLCI sebanyak 3.1 peratus atau 58 mata sejak 6 Mei, apabila indeks itu mencecah paras tertinggi dalam sejarahnya pada 1,826.22 mata, sebagai pembetulan semula jadi, terutamanya disebabkan oleh kegiatan pelabur mengambil untung,” tegas Nazri.
Berdasarkan Jumaat ke Jumaat, FBM KLCI mengakhiri dagangan minggu ini 3.22 mata lebih rendah pada 1,769.16.
Indeks Kewangan meningkat 42.63 mata kepada 16,749.01, Indeks Perladangan turun 96.20 mata kepada 8,229.30 dan Indeks Perusahaan naik 69.35 mata kepada 3,024.45.
Indeks FBM Emas menokok 59.47 mata kepada 12,272.18, Indeks FBMT100 mengukuh 34.24 mata kepada 12,054.50, Indeks FBM Ace melonjak 327.14 mata kepada 4,679.41 dan Indeks FBM Mid 70 meningkat 266.03 mata kepada 14,091.99.
Jumlah dagangan mingguan bertambah kepada 12.677 bilion saham bernilai RM13.261 juta daripada 11.54 bilion saham bernilai RM17.29 bilion minggu lepas.
Pasaran Utama mencatatkan peningkatan jumlah dagangan kepada 10.65 bilion saham bernilai RM12.588 bilion daripada 10.43 bilion saham bernilai RM17.08 bilion yang dicatatkan minggu lalu.
Pasaran ACE menyaksikan jumlah dagangannya meningkat mendadak kepada 1.727 bilion unit bernilai RM265.042 juta daripada 767.35 juta saham bernilai RM123.16 juta sebelumnya.
Bagaimanapun, waran susut jumlahnya kepada 272.137 juta saham bernilai RM35.623 juta daripada 328.44 juta unit bernilai RM39.47 juta minggu lepas. – Bernama

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Unit trust industry set for double-digit growth

KUALA LUMPUR (June 3, 2013): Malaysia's unit trust industry is expected to grow by double digits this year, in line with the stock market's bullish performance and, to a certain extent, the uptake of Private Retirement Schemes (PRS).
"Yes, we expect growth in the unit trust industry this year because the equity market is doing well. The growth in the unit trust industry is in tandem with the performance of the equity market," Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM) CEO Ahmad Zakie Ahmad Shariff told SunBizrecently.
The benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) has been on a post-election rally and has gained 6.8% to date. Analysts are bullish on the performance of the stock market, with many predicting the FBM KLCI to surpass 1,700 points by the end of this year.
Zakie does not expect PRS, which saw the first product launch in October 2012, to be a major contributor to growth this year due to the scheme's voluntary element.
"The PRS is voluntary in nature and its contribution is dependant on disposable income. The more disposable income you have, chances are you would contribute more but if the disposable income is not that much then you have a problem," he said.
He also mentioned that the PRS would have to "compete" with other investment products such as real estate and precious metals, namely, gold. "These are the challenges that the industry has to face," he said.
In 2012, Zakie said, the local equity market performed well with the FBM KLCI increasing by 10.3% and closing at an all-time high at the end of the year.
According to FIMM's 2012 annual report obtained by SunBiz, "The net asset value (NAV) for unit trust funds increased 18.2% to RM294.8 billion as at end of December 2012, representing 20.1% of market capitalisation of Bursa Malaysia.
Private unit trust funds (excluding federal and state funds) saw NAV add a substantial 34.9% over the year and stood at RM142.6 billion as at end of December 2012.
"The year marked the sixth consecutive year of firm growth of Islamic funds with total NAV standing at RM44.2 billion as at end of 2012, an increase of 39.3% over the year despite heightened global market volatility and a challenging economic environment," the report, which is yet to be published, said.
Money market funds and bond funds maintained their upward momentum in 2012 with accumulated assets touching an all-year high of RM28.9 billion and RM19.0 billion respectively.
"Increased uncertainty in risky assets may have driven investors to seek solace in safe investments, including these fund sectors," it reported.
As at the end of 2012, money market funds and bond funds each made up 20.9% and 13.3% of the private unit trust funds' total assets. Meanwhile, conventional equity funds and mixed asset funds also accumulated significantly higher total NAV at RM27.6 billion and RM8.3 billion respectively.
As at the end of last year, the total number of wholesale funds (WSF) managed by FIMM members stood at 79 or 46.2% of total WSF launched in the market.
Funds managed by FIMM members saw NAV increase 1.3 times over the year, standing at RM36.8 billion, which collectively made up over 70% of the total assets of WSF at end-2012 (RM52.5 billion).
A record total of 53 funds were launched in 2012, whereby 75.5% were conventional and the rest Islamic.
The largest among the new funds launched were target maturity funds (19 or 35.8%), while money market funds added 12 new funds, in addition to nine bond funds and six equity funds.
Among new fund offerings, 33 or 62.3% are funds with more than 50% of assets mandated to be invested locally; whereas 20 funds or 37.7% were funds investing predominantly in overseas.
Other funds, including target maturity funds formed 10, or 50% of the foreign-focused funds.
Meanwhile, 15 or 75.0% of the foreign-focused funds were packaged as non-specialised unit rust funds and five or 25.0% were offered through feeder fund structure.
FIMM is a self-regulatory organisation that plays a key role in the development of the unit trust industry.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Firma penyelidikan: Inflasi naik kepada 2.5% tahun ini

Kadar inflasi Malaysia dijangka meningkat kepada 2.5 peratus tahun ini, kata beberapa firma penyelidikan.

Alliance Research berkata pemulihan dalam harga komoditi bersama dengan program perasionalan subsidi dan tekanan didorong permintaan yang lebih tinggi pada penghujung tahun akan menyumbang kepada kadar inflasi yang lebih tinggi.

Dalam satu laporan fokus ekonomi tentang inflasi, firma penyelidikan itu berkata pada sebahagian besar tahun lepas, kadar inflasi Malaysia kekal kukuh atau pada kadar sederhana sejajar dengan harga komoditi global.

"Kami percaya kadar inflasi akan terus meningkat tahun ini, terutamanya pada setengah kedua tahun ini.

"Ini berikutan jangkaan pemulihan pada beberapa komoditi terpilih dan menurut program perasionalan subsidi yang dijangka akan berterusan selepas pilihan raya umum 2013," katanya.
Bagaimanapun, RHB Research berkata inflasi yang lebih tinggi akan terus kekal dan tidak dijangka mengancam ekonomi.

"Kami mengunjurkan inflasi untuk meningkat lebih tinggi kepada kira-kira 2.5 peratus pada 2013 daripada 1.6 peratus tahun lepas," katanya.
Mengenai kadar dasar semalaman (OPR), RHD Research percaya bank pusat itu akan mengekalkan kadar tidak berubah pada tiga peratus tahun ini.
"Risiko kepada OPR, bagaimanapun, cenderung kepada meningkat, jika pemulihan ekonomi global adalah lebih kukuh daripada jangkaan," katanya.

Berkongsi pendapat yang sama, Alliance Research berkata Bank Negara Malaysia mempunyai lebih banyak ruang untuk mengekalkan OPR pada paras akomodatif, melihat kepada paras risiko inflasi kepada pemulihan yang rendah.
"Kami mengekalkan pandangan kami bahawa OPR akan kekal tidak berubah pada tiga peratus pada 2013, memastikan pegangan dasar monetari yang akomodatif dan kestabilan harga dalam ekonomi domestik," tambahnya.
